Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who killed Santa???

We're less than a month away from Christmas people. Yay! Who's excited with me? Granted, as the years go by Christmas becomes "overrated" to many. But I think you should try to keep the spirit alive for the sake of your children. Don't be such a Scrooge! Bah Humbug!!! Today's generation sucks! These kids don't know about Santa and his rain deers. How many of you heard from someone before "Santa? I tell my kid that I'M SANTA"......and the kid is like 3.
If you ask a child today who Rudolph is....I bet they wont know! Or about the elves that work in Santa's sweat shop.....I mean Santa's factory, making toys all year around for that one special day. They don't know about the tooth fairy or Easter bunny. But if you ask a Puerto Rican kid what the CUCO is, they will tell you in a heart beat and you'll see the fear in their little eyes at the same time. Do you ban your child from dressing up for Halloween because you "don't believe in Halloween"? What is there to believe in? Dress the kid up and send them out for some free candy. It's these little things that I believe can keep your child a CHILD for a little longer than you can expect these days. Forcing them to grow up faster than they should will cause those problems we'll complain about later.
When did we stop making these fairy tales up for our children, in hopes of keeping them a child for as long as we can. And we wonder why they ask for cell phones at the age of 5, IPads at the age of 8.....having sex at the age of 11 and baring kids at the age of 15. These things come hand in hand and I think we all fail to realize that. I remember being a little girl and setting up a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa. Being so innocent and DUMB, I didn't know that my dad was the one who would eat them once I went to bed. All I knew was that when I woke up, the plate would only have cookie crumbs left, the milk would be gone and I would have a bunch of presents under the tree. PRESENTS.....who cares who ate the cookies anyway when you have PRESENTS.
Thinking about how a BIG, fat, white man is going to get into your third floor apartment to drop off your gifts is a lot more interesting than knowing mommy and daddy bought them. Thinking about how a little fairy is going to get that tooth from underneath your pillow without you feeling it is a lot more interesting than knowing mommy and daddy will pay you a dollar for the tooth. Your tooth should be worth a lot more than a dollar after all the blood, sweat and TEARS you shed just to get it out. "A dollar? I should've swallowed the tooth!" :)
There's nothing wrong with letting your child believe in the make believe. It gives them an imagination and something to look forward to and go by each year until they are old enough to make up their own minds. It's something that we grew up on so why wouldn't we want to pass that on to our children? Reality itself tends to be more corrupting than this harmless fib we tell our little ones to keep their minds at an innocent level.   
With that being said.....I will be sitting down with my babies today and making their Christmas wish list to send to Santa. Nate is old enough to tell me what he wants while Sahara will point at every toy commercial that looks pretty to her. On Christmas eve, we will set a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.....chocolate chip? Don't mind if I do! God be with the dumbass who tells my child that Santa doesn't exist. :/

Note: If your child is 13+ and still believes in have a really big issue on your hands.

Happy holidays my loves. Be safe and don't go bankrupt for this one day. Lets remember the true meaning behind Christmas, the day our sweet baby JESUS was born. Utilize this time for family, for love, for peace and happiness. XoXo

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cheers to the F'n Holidays!!!

So, who’s ready for the holidays? Well if you're not, too bad because they're coming anyway.....and at full speed too. I absolutely LOVE the holidays. It brings the big ass kid out of me. I’m ready to put on an extra 10lbs (not that I need them) and get really drunk off of coquito. But as good of a mood as the the holidays can put MOST in, it can also put some in a really shitty one.
For one, it’s kind of like you work the entire year just to pay for xmas gifts. Seriously! At the end of the year my bank account is on negative. Where the hell did my savings go? Oh, that’s right....XMAS GIFTS. The worst people to buy xmas gifts for are babies. You spend all your time researching the latest toys, trying to decide on the best ones for your little ones & when that day comes for them to open their gifts......they rather play with the box & try to eat the wrapping paper. They act like they don’t even see the toy sitting right in front of them. I learned the hard way.....TWICE. Ungrateful children!!!
The food.....ahhh the food. I love holiday food. Everyone puts so much love into cooking instead of just whipping something up because they know they HAVE to feed you. How about those left over’s? You have enough for breakfast, lunch, dinner & to take to work for about a week. You need that especially since now you're broke from buying all those XMAS GIFTS.
Family! What I love the most is sitting around with my family. Talking & cracking jokes. Laughing & just enjoying the moment without a care in the world. Throwing all the issues we ever had out the window because suddenly they don’t seem to matter anymore. BUT I know every1 has a family member......or 5 that they're not too thrilled about seeing. The ones who tell you how FAT you've gotten. No matter what you're talking, work, kids, pets that person always squeezes the fact that you've gotten SO FAT right in the conversation. And you want so badly to say something mean right back like "Speaking of fat.....EAT A DICK" :)

New Year Goals: I got some sick goals for 2012! Let’s see.....I plan to survive the end of the world and then write a blog about it. You know, for future references.
I want to learn how to play the piano or guitar, and then make a video of me singing while showing off my new found talent and post it on YouTube. True talent! 
I also plan to learn how to rape the system so I can do so & do it proudly while I secretly take my ass back to school. But of course they won’t know that. I’ll let them think I’m a baby momma who likes to make multiple babies with a man whose 1st name I only know. Too much?
*enroll Nate into karate classes
*enroll myself into boxing classes.
*buy a gun..............
*find a chemically proven product to help Sa's hair grow.
*cut a piece of Franck’s afro off while he’s sleeping so he’s forced to get a haircut.
*get a loan to start my "Make your own dildo kit" business.

*And learn how to rap since that seems to be the IN thing these days. Shittttt.....if Beiber can do it, why cant I?

I know some of us have lost loved ones and it hurts the most when the holidays come around because it really hits us that they're no longer physically here. Some times we don’t see our families all year, up until the holiday season. Use that time to catch up, to tell each other how much you love one another because tomorrow is never promised. Say what you have to say, express how you feel with no boundaries or regrets.

Enjoy the holidays my loves and be safe.... XoXo -Random

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Go ahead & front for the social network.....

FB is full of too many "Fairytale stories" and not enough reality. I understand it's YOUR page but what exactly is the point of putting up a front for people you barely see or even know. It's not meant to tell the world your personal business and then get upset when people develop an opinion about you or decide to comment on your life the way they see it. You don’t like people to talk, don’t give them a reason to. I can admit that I am a major FB head but my posts are for fun. But as fun and addicting as this site has become, it has also become dangerous and degrading. FACEBOOK has become the root of all evil.

***Why you lyin'?- These are the ones who feel like they need to show or lie about how they're living. Because for some reason, facebookers have become THAT important in their lives. The ones who take pictures of their shoes and clothes. Or they talk about what they just bought or are going to buy next. The ones that claim they have this and that but then the next week they're complaining about NOT having what they claimed they did the week before.
How about the ones who take great pictures? They look so hot in their pics but bump into them in the street.....they look like a busted up version of the person you're friends with on FB.

***The TMI (TooMuchInfo) Crew- These are the ones that post beyond what should be allowed. They'll post something like "Just came from the clinic and the doc told me I’m HIV negative but I still might be pregnant so I have to go back in 2 weeks to take another pregnancy test. Then I’ll make an appointment for the abortion, if I am." (Do you hear the crickets???) Yea I’m talking about those posts that you have to read twice just to make sure they really did just post that. And then you wonder why you get NO likes or comments.
How about the people who post half naked pics? Have some respect for yourself. If you're not a porn star or stripper, there's no reason you should be showing that much to the public. SLUT!!! :D

***KILL YOURSELF ALREADY- <--- Yes, that's kind of harsh but you can't front like that thought never came across your mind when you read what they post. I’m talking about the people who have the worst lives EVER. Their statuses are always so depressing. They make you want to delete them because for some reason you ALWAYS end up reading what they post and it's so depressing that it makes YOU sad. Then there goes your day, it's just been ruined because now you can’t stop thinking about that depressing ass status. Or the ones that always threaten to hurt themselves or want their lives to end so badly. Let’s say it together…. SEEK COUNSELING!!!

***Team Illiteracy- You ever read a status and think to yourself "Didn't we go to the same school?" Is it really so hard to use periods or question marks at the end of your sentences? I mean, you don't have to go all out and use commas and shit but can you at least start every sentence off with a capital letter? How does your phone have autocorrect but you still can’t spell? I’m talking about those statuses that you've started to skip because it gives you a headache when you try to read them. Facebook has taught me that it IS possible for one sentence to be 4 lines long.

***Delete that hoe- We have the ones that are so big and bad ass on the net but they're real quiet when you come face to face. The ones who are a little too opinionated and quick to call someone out on their post without actually mentioning the persons name. They rather post it all over their wall than tell you about yourself first. And as sad as it is, it's usually your closest friends.
And you have the ones who take facebook so seriously. "That bitch wanna talk shit? I’m deleting her from facebook" But which is worse, the one who deletes the person? Or the one who gets mad because they were deleted?

***Stalk me NOT- It seems like every week facebook has an update and every time it updates it gets closer and closer to being called FaceSTALK. Why do I have to know that JuanCarlos likes TeeTee's picture? I DONT EVEN KNOW TEETEE.

How did you find out that your man was cheating? FACEBOOK
How did you find out that your baby wasn’t yours? FACEBOOK
How did you find out that you were adopted? FACEBOOK
How did you know payless was having a sale? FACEBOOK
How'd you know where I was at last night? FACEBOOK........DUH!!!

This was not meant for anyone indirectly so I hope no one takes this personal. But if you do......DELETE ME BITCH ;)

XoXo -Random

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What are you thankful for?

So since it's November and thanksgiving is coming up, I've decided to blog about what I am thankful for. We all come across hard times and some may have more than others but we all have something or someone to be thankful for. I have a beautiful little family of my own. Two gorgeous little angels that put a smile on my face everyday. A wonderful husband who is a great father and my best friend. A family who is nothing more than supportive and loving. A decent job that allows me to provide for my family, put food in my fridge, clothes on our bodies, a roof over our heads, heat for the winter and AC for the summer, water to wash our asses, ETC (you get the point). I also have amazing friends who I can count on to be there for me and who I consider more than just friends, they are family!

People that complain about what they have at the moment.....or better yet what they DONT have need to stop and realize that whatever they DO have is an absolute blessing. Again, we all go through hard times but there are people in this world who don’t have anything at all. They don’t have food to eat, family to love, a place to live; to call their own, they don't have jobs or money. Some don't even know where they're going to sleep tomorrow or how they're going to eat. It's disgusting how spoiled this country is but we still manage to have complaints. To complain when we don’t have money to pay our CABLE bill or our CELL PHONE bill or our CAR INSURANCE. All of that is luxury and everyday people fail to realize that that is not what we NEED to live but simply what we want to live more comfortably.

In NYC you see homeless people everyday. Even though they are sleeping on the streets, they have the opportunity to go to a shelter. Low or NO income people have the opportunity to get food stamps, rent assistance, welfare, public assistance, WIC.....even though it’s always easier said than done. Half the people on government assistance have NOTHING wrong with them. They can work but for some reason they don't and that goes to show how easy we have it. Basically my point is, we take too many things for granted. Along the way we become a little selfish and fail to remember what really matters in life. What if you were to wake up tomorrow and everything you have was taken away from you? Then you would realize that what you had was more than enough. Be thankful for the moment with goals for a better future. I’m thankful for every little thing that I have in life and have no regrets, only plans to better myself and the lives of my children.

Friday, November 11, 2011

He's not that into you......the RANDOM version!!!

Time and time again.....we meet people, we come to like them but then over time things change. And if we don’t like the response we are getting from that person, we start to wonder and come up with excuses for them to make ourselves feel better about the situation. Believe me I’ve been there, done that. I mean look at me....I’m so hard to resist ;)  Anyway, why is it that we can’t come to terms with the fact that maybe, just MAYBE this person is really not that into us as much as we thought they were. Or is it that maybe that person likes to play HARD TO GET (even though that game is so played out!!!)???

*You constantly find yourself calling or texting him. For some reason he never reaches out to you first. You think to yourself "Maybe he’s busy", "He's probably waiting for me to hit him up first", "I wonder if his girlfriend found out....."(Lmao hit a nerve?). Did you ever stop to think that maybe he's not thinking about you or just doesn’t feel like hitting you up?!

*Whenever you speak to him, you tell him things like "I miss you" and he responds with "Really?" or "Aww I feel so special". Or "When am I gonna see you" and he responds with "I'll let you know" or "How about this weekend" and when you call or text to confirm.....NO ANSWER.

*If all your "dates" are after 12:00am and consist of drinks and're just a booty call. Some people are ok with that but if you're looking for love look the other way.

*If you're only invited over to his house when no one is home or when everyone is sleeping, he doesn’t want anyone to know about you. Therefore, you should make a whole lot of noise and make him scream your name so they know EXACTLY who you are. ;)

*Now there are the ones I like to call "the Gasser Upper". He's the type that tells you all the right things, everything you want to hear. And omg it sounds so good, like music to your ears. But it's all BULLSHIT. He tells you how much he likes you, how you're so different, how you got that good he's never had before. He tells you how you have all the qualities he would want in a girlfriend, how his mother would love you, how you & him are a match like no other....the two of you together would make the world jealous. IT’S ALL BULLSHIT. Just remember....actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words. If he's talking a good talk but walking a little retarded, its time to let the RA-Tard goooo because he’s nothing but a GASSER UPPER.

*If you've been "engaged" for 7+'s definitely time to move on. That's way too long to be committed to someone without being legally married yet. If waiting that long was not a mutual agreement, start asking questions because something isn’t right.

*If he's been telling you he's going to leave his girlfriend/wife/baby’s mother (IT HAPPENS.....A LOT) for years now but still hasn’t done it, then the fact is he most likely never will. But if he does do it, you should never trust a man like that. Next thing you know, you'll be the girlfriend/wife/baby’s mother being left for another woman.

These tips go for men as well. I’m just saying "He/Him/His" because I’m a female. This blog was meant to be fun but at the same time I see a lot of females getting their hearts broken or getting caught up with the wrong ones because they are too blind to see. Just because we like someone does not mean we should settle for whatever they want to give us, whenever they want to give it to us. We need to open our eyes up a little more. We need to realize that time is precious; life is too short for the bullshit and kiddie games. If you're out there trying to find true love, know your worth. There's nothing wrong with having a little fun but with someone who's not so serious about finding love. On the other hand, if you're serious about it, find that person who respects your time and values. Someone who's not afraid to hit you up just because they're thinking about you and want to speak to you. Someone who makes time for you, who wants to see you and be with you and not just for the sex. Someone who’s not afraid to tell you that they like you, and tell you all the things they like about you. Someone who wants you....your time, your attention, your love, touch, kisses and hugs. But if you happen to meet someone who calls and texts you all day long, gets pissed when you don’t respond, shows up at your home or job without letting you know, some how knows your every where about or threatens to harm themselves if you leave them........RUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

XoXo -Random

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I have yet to perfect motherhood.....

But who has, right? I mean one is a perfect mom. We all make mistakes, no matter how old your children are. But those are the joys of motherhood. The daily lessons learned. Growing with your children, smiling with them, crying with them, laughing and acting silly with them, kissing their boo boo's and protecting them from the monsters they're scared of. Their first smile, words, steps, kisses, tantrums......the good, the bad, the joys and (what I sometimes call) the evils. (Lol) It's given to you, you take it, accept it, enjoy it, and learn from it and most importantly, you try to perfect it. Motherhood is a gift not given to everyone. It takes 5 minutes to make a baby but a lifetime of love, patience and understanding to be a mother. From one mother to another....never let anyone tell you how you should raise your child. Of course, taking advice never hurts but we all have our own ways of doing things. If you have a happy, healthy, perfect child (in your eyes), then you must be doing something right. Just love like you've never loved before.....the rest comes without effort.

At 24, I'm the very PROUD mother of two, a three year old and a one year old. They are the most amazing, beautiful, smart, caring, funny, loving children I have ever met. And I must say their swag is ridiculous. ;) That’s not just because they're MINE either. Having my son at 21 was definitely a challenge, a baby raising a baby. As he grew, I grew. Everyday we taught each other something new. I still remember when I found out I was pregnant with him. I was 20 at the time and scared beyond words. When I read POSITIVE on the pregnancy test, I thought my world was over. I sat there looking at the double lines; one was so light that you could barely see it. So, I kept thinking to myself "Maybe it doesn't know if I’m pregnant. Maybe I still have a chance". I cried and cried....for days. Happy? Sad? I didn't know!!! But once I pushed aside all the worries and fears, I was excited. God blessed me for a reason and I had the support of my wonderful family. Plus, I was going to BE A MOMMY.

I went into mommy mode almost instantly. I don’t care what anyone has to say, you become a mommy the minute your baby starts to grow inside of you. I went from this hot headed, ready to attack, firecracker to this mellow, gentle person, seeing it all from a mommy's perspective now. I still have a crazy mouth and a nasty tude but I’ve changed a lot. Just realizing that my babies are my life now, it’s no longer about me. They are more important than any unnecessary drama or situations that could possibly be life changing for all of us. Never would I have imagined that a little over two years later I would be having my baby girl.

Raising a boy and raising a girl are two completely different experiences. So, you can't go in it thinking "I got this" because the fact is, you don’t!!! One will point that little pee pee in the air and aim at NOTHING, hitting whatever comes in its way while the other will simply leave a puddle for you right on your side of the bed. Girls are such divas, overly dramatic and bossy. She is definitely her mother’s daughter. It’s like looking at a midget reflection of me. As much as it bothers to think, I know her and I will be bumping heads along the way. It has started already. And I tell you....its not easy trying to win an argument with a one year old, the little lady with very few words. But she sure knows how to get her point across.

Everyday that I wake up, I smile because I have two little angels to share my life with. I’m so overjoyed, so blessed that it makes me cry at times. Tears of joy of course. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have them in my life. My everyday decisions are based on the affects it will have on THEM. I live for THEM. I breathe for THEM. I work, remain sane, love unconditionally, forgive so easily, smile, stay strong, and fight harder for THEM. Because they are so worth it and I love them beyond what words can explain. My thing 1 and thing life doesn’t exist without you. :)