Monday, November 21, 2011

Cheers to the F'n Holidays!!!

So, who’s ready for the holidays? Well if you're not, too bad because they're coming anyway.....and at full speed too. I absolutely LOVE the holidays. It brings the big ass kid out of me. I’m ready to put on an extra 10lbs (not that I need them) and get really drunk off of coquito. But as good of a mood as the the holidays can put MOST in, it can also put some in a really shitty one.
For one, it’s kind of like you work the entire year just to pay for xmas gifts. Seriously! At the end of the year my bank account is on negative. Where the hell did my savings go? Oh, that’s right....XMAS GIFTS. The worst people to buy xmas gifts for are babies. You spend all your time researching the latest toys, trying to decide on the best ones for your little ones & when that day comes for them to open their gifts......they rather play with the box & try to eat the wrapping paper. They act like they don’t even see the toy sitting right in front of them. I learned the hard way.....TWICE. Ungrateful children!!!
The food.....ahhh the food. I love holiday food. Everyone puts so much love into cooking instead of just whipping something up because they know they HAVE to feed you. How about those left over’s? You have enough for breakfast, lunch, dinner & to take to work for about a week. You need that especially since now you're broke from buying all those XMAS GIFTS.
Family! What I love the most is sitting around with my family. Talking & cracking jokes. Laughing & just enjoying the moment without a care in the world. Throwing all the issues we ever had out the window because suddenly they don’t seem to matter anymore. BUT I know every1 has a family member......or 5 that they're not too thrilled about seeing. The ones who tell you how FAT you've gotten. No matter what you're talking, work, kids, pets that person always squeezes the fact that you've gotten SO FAT right in the conversation. And you want so badly to say something mean right back like "Speaking of fat.....EAT A DICK" :)

New Year Goals: I got some sick goals for 2012! Let’s see.....I plan to survive the end of the world and then write a blog about it. You know, for future references.
I want to learn how to play the piano or guitar, and then make a video of me singing while showing off my new found talent and post it on YouTube. True talent! 
I also plan to learn how to rape the system so I can do so & do it proudly while I secretly take my ass back to school. But of course they won’t know that. I’ll let them think I’m a baby momma who likes to make multiple babies with a man whose 1st name I only know. Too much?
*enroll Nate into karate classes
*enroll myself into boxing classes.
*buy a gun..............
*find a chemically proven product to help Sa's hair grow.
*cut a piece of Franck’s afro off while he’s sleeping so he’s forced to get a haircut.
*get a loan to start my "Make your own dildo kit" business.

*And learn how to rap since that seems to be the IN thing these days. Shittttt.....if Beiber can do it, why cant I?

I know some of us have lost loved ones and it hurts the most when the holidays come around because it really hits us that they're no longer physically here. Some times we don’t see our families all year, up until the holiday season. Use that time to catch up, to tell each other how much you love one another because tomorrow is never promised. Say what you have to say, express how you feel with no boundaries or regrets.

Enjoy the holidays my loves and be safe.... XoXo -Random


  1. LMFAOO i soooo love it hope ur holiday season is filled with lots of love and blessing xoxo Genuine lol (inny)

  2. Love it annie hope u have a happy thanksgiving I luv u and miss u
