Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Go ahead & front for the social network.....

FB is full of too many "Fairytale stories" and not enough reality. I understand it's YOUR page but what exactly is the point of putting up a front for people you barely see or even know. It's not meant to tell the world your personal business and then get upset when people develop an opinion about you or decide to comment on your life the way they see it. You don’t like people to talk, don’t give them a reason to. I can admit that I am a major FB head but my posts are for fun. But as fun and addicting as this site has become, it has also become dangerous and degrading. FACEBOOK has become the root of all evil.

***Why you lyin'?- These are the ones who feel like they need to show or lie about how they're living. Because for some reason, facebookers have become THAT important in their lives. The ones who take pictures of their shoes and clothes. Or they talk about what they just bought or are going to buy next. The ones that claim they have this and that but then the next week they're complaining about NOT having what they claimed they did the week before.
How about the ones who take great pictures? They look so hot in their pics but bump into them in the street.....they look like a busted up version of the person you're friends with on FB.

***The TMI (TooMuchInfo) Crew- These are the ones that post beyond what should be allowed. They'll post something like "Just came from the clinic and the doc told me I’m HIV negative but I still might be pregnant so I have to go back in 2 weeks to take another pregnancy test. Then I’ll make an appointment for the abortion, if I am." (Do you hear the crickets???) Yea I’m talking about those posts that you have to read twice just to make sure they really did just post that. And then you wonder why you get NO likes or comments.
How about the people who post half naked pics? Have some respect for yourself. If you're not a porn star or stripper, there's no reason you should be showing that much to the public. SLUT!!! :D

***KILL YOURSELF ALREADY- <--- Yes, that's kind of harsh but you can't front like that thought never came across your mind when you read what they post. I’m talking about the people who have the worst lives EVER. Their statuses are always so depressing. They make you want to delete them because for some reason you ALWAYS end up reading what they post and it's so depressing that it makes YOU sad. Then there goes your day, it's just been ruined because now you can’t stop thinking about that depressing ass status. Or the ones that always threaten to hurt themselves or want their lives to end so badly. Let’s say it together…. SEEK COUNSELING!!!

***Team Illiteracy- You ever read a status and think to yourself "Didn't we go to the same school?" Is it really so hard to use periods or question marks at the end of your sentences? I mean, you don't have to go all out and use commas and shit but can you at least start every sentence off with a capital letter? How does your phone have autocorrect but you still can’t spell? I’m talking about those statuses that you've started to skip because it gives you a headache when you try to read them. Facebook has taught me that it IS possible for one sentence to be 4 lines long.

***Delete that hoe- We have the ones that are so big and bad ass on the net but they're real quiet when you come face to face. The ones who are a little too opinionated and quick to call someone out on their post without actually mentioning the persons name. They rather post it all over their wall than tell you about yourself first. And as sad as it is, it's usually your closest friends.
And you have the ones who take facebook so seriously. "That bitch wanna talk shit? I’m deleting her from facebook" But which is worse, the one who deletes the person? Or the one who gets mad because they were deleted?

***Stalk me NOT- It seems like every week facebook has an update and every time it updates it gets closer and closer to being called FaceSTALK. Why do I have to know that JuanCarlos likes TeeTee's picture? I DONT EVEN KNOW TEETEE.

How did you find out that your man was cheating? FACEBOOK
How did you find out that your baby wasn’t yours? FACEBOOK
How did you find out that you were adopted? FACEBOOK
How did you know payless was having a sale? FACEBOOK
How'd you know where I was at last night? FACEBOOK........DUH!!!

This was not meant for anyone indirectly so I hope no one takes this personal. But if you do......DELETE ME BITCH ;)

XoXo -Random

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