Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who killed Santa???

We're less than a month away from Christmas people. Yay! Who's excited with me? Granted, as the years go by Christmas becomes "overrated" to many. But I think you should try to keep the spirit alive for the sake of your children. Don't be such a Scrooge! Bah Humbug!!! Today's generation sucks! These kids don't know about Santa and his rain deers. How many of you heard from someone before "Santa? I tell my kid that I'M SANTA"......and the kid is like 3.
If you ask a child today who Rudolph is....I bet they wont know! Or about the elves that work in Santa's sweat shop.....I mean Santa's factory, making toys all year around for that one special day. They don't know about the tooth fairy or Easter bunny. But if you ask a Puerto Rican kid what the CUCO is, they will tell you in a heart beat and you'll see the fear in their little eyes at the same time. Do you ban your child from dressing up for Halloween because you "don't believe in Halloween"? What is there to believe in? Dress the kid up and send them out for some free candy. It's these little things that I believe can keep your child a CHILD for a little longer than you can expect these days. Forcing them to grow up faster than they should will cause those problems we'll complain about later.
When did we stop making these fairy tales up for our children, in hopes of keeping them a child for as long as we can. And we wonder why they ask for cell phones at the age of 5, IPads at the age of 8.....having sex at the age of 11 and baring kids at the age of 15. These things come hand in hand and I think we all fail to realize that. I remember being a little girl and setting up a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa. Being so innocent and DUMB, I didn't know that my dad was the one who would eat them once I went to bed. All I knew was that when I woke up, the plate would only have cookie crumbs left, the milk would be gone and I would have a bunch of presents under the tree. PRESENTS.....who cares who ate the cookies anyway when you have PRESENTS.
Thinking about how a BIG, fat, white man is going to get into your third floor apartment to drop off your gifts is a lot more interesting than knowing mommy and daddy bought them. Thinking about how a little fairy is going to get that tooth from underneath your pillow without you feeling it is a lot more interesting than knowing mommy and daddy will pay you a dollar for the tooth. Your tooth should be worth a lot more than a dollar after all the blood, sweat and TEARS you shed just to get it out. "A dollar? I should've swallowed the tooth!" :)
There's nothing wrong with letting your child believe in the make believe. It gives them an imagination and something to look forward to and go by each year until they are old enough to make up their own minds. It's something that we grew up on so why wouldn't we want to pass that on to our children? Reality itself tends to be more corrupting than this harmless fib we tell our little ones to keep their minds at an innocent level.   
With that being said.....I will be sitting down with my babies today and making their Christmas wish list to send to Santa. Nate is old enough to tell me what he wants while Sahara will point at every toy commercial that looks pretty to her. On Christmas eve, we will set a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.....chocolate chip? Don't mind if I do! God be with the dumbass who tells my child that Santa doesn't exist. :/

Note: If your child is 13+ and still believes in have a really big issue on your hands.

Happy holidays my loves. Be safe and don't go bankrupt for this one day. Lets remember the true meaning behind Christmas, the day our sweet baby JESUS was born. Utilize this time for family, for love, for peace and happiness. XoXo


  1. That is soo true sis I want my kids to enjoy childhood cuz we all know its a cruel world wen we grow up so imagine how hard its gonna be for them as they reach our age. Luv u sis have a merry christmas and enjoy!!!!!!!

  2. is about spending time with those you love & santa is real in my book najabi know she has to be a gd girl cuz if not santa won't bring her no presents lol she doesn't want to be on the naughty list...imma have too eat the cookies & drink the milk she puts out for santa but hey if it keeps her little heart believing I do wat I need to do cuz time flies & our generation is just gettin older
