Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mother EFFIN' income tax time....

The ridiculousness has begun ALREADY! (I know that isn't a word but if they can name a show "ridiculousness" then I'm allowed to use it as an actual word :P ). It isn't even February yet. How the hell are people already getting their tax return money when my W2 hasn't even arrived yet?!?! I cant....just cant understand it. So, I'm going to start with the false claims that some how NEVER catch up to certain people. They must be sleeping with someone at the IRS to be put on the "DO NOT AUDIT LIST" because Gosh darn it, I was audited two years in a roll for some real BS.....but I'll get back to that story.
THAT AIN'T YOUR KID- We have the ones that claim other peoples children. And I'm talking about some reckless shit. The child they claim is like 14 years old while they are only 25. They never claimed the kid before up until this year. I can understand claiming your brother/sister or niece/nephew but when you're claiming some random kid that you've never even met, you're setting yourself up to #FAIL. Wait no.....more like #EpicFail.
YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A JOB- The one that kills me the most are the ones that claim self employed but don't even work & the majority of the time they've never worked a damn day in their life. Aren't you supposed to file a 1040 or something when you're self employed? I don't know much about that stuff but I damn sure know I need to file a W4 in order to get that W2 at the end of the year.
STICK TO YOUR WELFARE CHECK- I know you all know a person....or maybe a dozen who are on welfare but still manage to get an income tax check. I'm not a genius or anything but IRS, WELFARE.....aren't they all part of the government system???????? SO HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH THAT? I really think they need to start communicating a little more.

"Hello Welfare? Yessss, do you have an ANA MARIA RODRIGUEZ SSI#778495851 in your system? You do, HUH? And This is her 3rd year trying to file SELF EMPLOYED? Well third time is NOT a charm......DENIED!!!!!!"

IF YOU'RE GONNA RAPE IT, DO IT RIGHT!!! As you will notice (if you haven't already)....all these "ballers" will only be balling from January-March. By April they are back to broke jokes. Instead of being so concerned with looking should worry about your bills being paid off, stashing a little on the side for a rainy day and then you can treat yourself to a little something nice because everyone deserves to treat themselves every once & a while. Your hair's done, hands/feet done, fresh outfit but your lights are about to get cut off? You got a new car but an eviction notice on your door? You're buying bottles and everyone drinks at the club but you still living with your momma? Need I say more?

I'm scared to do any of that stuff. I'm already broke so I don't need IRS hunting my ass down for money that I haven't even earned yet. Plus, I like my freedom & I'm scared of jail. IRS jail has to be the worst of all. A bunch of senseless, welfare people running around acting crazy because they've just realized that they will now be broke FOREVER and can never count on a income tax check again. SCARY!

Back to me being audited.....the person that was taking care of my son at the time could not be filed on my taxes due to them being on welfare. Conflict of interest.....contradictions come to light the more I write (LOL) but anyway I claimed my sister in law looked after him 1 year & someone else the next year. They audited both times & took my claims away before I could even prove anything to them. So I officially HATE THE IRS.

FYI- This post in NO WAY pertains to anyone specifically! So, if you feel some type of way about it, that's your own guilty conscious telling you that you're a damn fool for blowing money you KNOW you don't have on a regular basis. LMAO I'm having fun with this so laugh a little.....even if I've just described you. ;)

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